This wine was made by a bunch of people.
You start off at home with a glass of Sauvignon Blanc before your date arrives. It's crisp, it's easy and it's delicious. You're still trying to figure out on what side of the hot-crazy matrix they fall under - so get some of those nerves out of the way. You pour them a glass from a bottle that's already open so it looks like you do this all the time.
Then you head out to the restaurant. You bring your own bottle of Pinot because even if you pay for corkage, it will be half the price of anything on the menu and low-key it's the best value we have. You give the Sommelier a pour because they love to taste new stuff and you'll come off as generous and educated. You bring the bottle home because it'll be even better the next day.
You get back to the house. There's bubbly in the fridge. You open the icebox and hold it up with a cheeky "should we?" face. You don't even need to open it. Just make the face. 30% of the time, it works all the time.